Sign up for Collins' Customer Webcast this Tuesday!
Tuesday, December 9th
Time: 10am PST - 11:00am PST
Collins Computing will explain the differences between "Year-End Updates", "Tax Updates" and "GP Upgrades".
We will also take users thru each module in Microsoft Dynamics GP to show the steps necessary for closing the year, PLUS give you our top 11 "Did you know" tips to prevent that additional support call.
Here are the tips we will explain during our webcast (along with steps to closing the year):
Important changes for Year-End Closing (GP 2010, GP
2013, 2013R2 & 2015)
- Smartlists to use/create for pre-check closings
- Scripts available for updating the "Amounts
Since Last Close" fields
- Reversing Year-End closing is available!
- If you don't run payroll, there are AP form changes for
Year-End too!
- 1099 edit options differ in each release!
- Inventory Stock Count How-To
- Add-On products to make Year-End processes quicker!
- Printing to Pdf when possible!
- Use Analytical Accounting? Be sure to setup new
year-end options!
- New Fields your auditors have been waiting for!